Insights Into Abba


No one is excluded from this.  It is so difficult!!  Whether it is something, or a relationship or even a life.  Like most I have experienced loss of all of those things.  It hurts so darn much!!  It is so important to be a fellowship, an Ekklesia!!  We need to be there for our brothers and sisters through the good times and the difficult times.

For me I have been more fortunate than most!!  Although I have had to face the possible or even imminent death of each of my 7 children, and some more than once, I was privileged with a miracle from on high each time!!  I did however have to come to terms with their loss and make my heart okay with my creator even if it turned out to be the allotted time for Him to take them home.  Most of the life attacks happened before my children were two. Regardless,  dealing with the loss or potential loss of all that we hold dear is difficult for everyone.

The people I have lost have remained etched upon my heart, every cat, dog, goat, cow, or even chicken, turkey and duck also remain there.  I don’t know why but all life has always been sacred to me, from the smallest blade of grass to the largest star up in the heavens.  I know all was created for the glory of our Creator and all offer praises to the King!!

I know that every tear we shed is counted by our Abba!!  I know that the sun always comes out after the rain!!  I also know that we are loved beyond comprehension.

Things are amping up.   It is coming!!  A time where the body of Yahshua WILL UNITE AND WILL FIGHT!!!  No matter what we are going through, we are never alone!  YHWH is with us.  He knew my pain already, he knew your pain already— He took it all upon the cross.  As a result of that great sacrifice and loss of his life, we can have life, healing, deliverance!!  We can know love and be loved!  How great is our King?  Greater than any loss!  We only understand in part, the rest we have to, by faith, give over to Abba!

I lay at Yahshua’s feet grasping at His ankles in worship, knowing His presence, knowing His LOVE!  Can it be any better than that?

So I say this, We are at war!  This war is not against flesh and blood.  This war is for humanity and for all of our souls!!

Choose this day whom you will serve.  For me I will serve the most high.  No matter what He is my King.  Who is with me?

*Author’s Note: This article first appeared on a previous website on August 5, 2015.

©2015 Jennifer Wallace

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