This has been a powerful mixture in which I have used many times. It is so effective that it has actually quelled poison ivy for me and even after it has erupted on my skin it will go away within a day as long as I take the mixture right away. I have also found it useful against insect bites as well. I tend to have an allergic response to all insect bites, so this has been a miracle herb for me. This mixture has also helped my lungs during illness and I have used it for other things as well. My little guy coined this mixture as “his special butter”. It really is not a bad tasting “butter”. I actually mix the turmeric(I start with about 2 tablespoons) with an equal amount of honey, or even a touch more for taste. I add a pinch of black pepper and like a teaspoon of melted coconut oil. This will form a sort of nut butter texture. I will take a small spoonful and follow with a bit of water. This stuff stains really bad, so when you are mixing it up be aware. I have never noticed it staining my teeth though. I love this stuff. I am also posting an interesting article about turmeric. It has many, many health benefits. This is what I have found to work for me, as with anything please use wisdom and learn about this herb before using it. Here is that link I mentioned earlier.
— Healthy Living —
Turmeric, Nature’s Prednisone
July 21, 2017