
Stillness of Life

Stillness of Life    June 13, 1987   As I walk so quietly So still is the land As the water slowly flows I feel led by your mighty hand   Just as a dove loves to fly Just as the sun likes to shine I love to be by your side Feeling your love so… Read More Stillness of Life

My Personal Pathway

Away We Go!! Article 2

Just in case, here are the previous articles in this series. http://www.faithgirl1111.com/2018/08/30/my-personal-assignment-from-father/ http://www.faithgirl1111.com/2018/08/31/so-it-begins-article-1/ My Story The day I left, I tried to stay nearby but there was no room in the inn.  I ended up going quite far away, with permission from the police to find a place to stay.  That eventually fell through and… Read More Away We Go!! Article 2