
Stillness of Life

Stillness of Life    June 13, 1987


As I walk so quietly

So still is the land

As the water slowly flows

I feel led by your mighty hand


Just as a dove loves to fly

Just as the sun likes to shine

I love to be by your side

Feeling your love so divine


There is a quiet place

So delicate to see

Just to be there

Is such a plea


The love that surrounds me

The feeling of God

The essence of the flowers

Are the paths I wish to trod


There is no anger

Not a careless word

Just the whispers of the wind

And the sweet songs of a bird


There is a rushing water fall

Speaking with might

As it falls to the rocks

There is such a delight


Two running deer

So gentle and calm

They run up to me

I hold them in my arms


In such a quiet place

I wish that I could be

In such a place

That I could see


©2018 Jennifer Wallace


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