Healthy Living

Life Alterations to Encourage Brain Health and Effectiveness

     One of the most frightening and debilitating concepts I’ve thought about is cognitive deterioration.  The good news is that this is completely avoidable.  All that is required is some calculated purposeful living.  Our diet and our lifestyle impact our brain in ways I would have never guessed.  I am pleased that the lifestyle alterations are quite doable.  The following actions can significantly alter your longevity and your overall sense of wellbeing. 

Exercise– You must get your heart pumping and sweat a little.  This increases the size of your Hippocampus which is involved with verbal memory and learning.  It also increases your prefrontal cortex and the medial temporal cortex which are responsible for thinking and memory respectively.  Life goal would be to briskly walk for 30 minutes daily.


Diet- Various foods that encourage brain health and effectiveness


Avocado-Keeps brain cell membranes flexible as well as protecting nerve cells, improves brain muscle strength, increases blood flow but reduces blood pressure.

Blueberries-Improves memory and reverses memory loss and contain antioxidants which protect mitochondria cells, reduces and or prevents inflammation.

Broccoli-has vit k which strengthens cognitive abilities and has choline which has been found to improve memory.  It also has folate which keeps your spirits high.

Salmon-Contains DHA which boosts neuron function of the brain

Dark Chocolate-Improves verbal fluency and cognitive function.  It also improves blood flow to the brain.


Dark leafy Green Vegetables-rich in the B vitamins which are essential to cell function and brain health

Sulfur rich foods(Broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, onions and cabbage-red and green, and garlic)-support brain cells and mitochondria in order to thrive and grow.

Iodine-essential for the brain cell growth process

Top 10 Powerhouse foods for the Brain

  1. Dark chocolate
  2. Turmeric
  3. Kale
  4. Sweet Potatoes
  5. Berries (Blackberry, blueberry, Cranberry, raspberry and Strawberry)
  6. Garbanzo beans
  7. Walnuts
  8. Fish (Mackerel, lake Trout, herring and wild salmon)
  9. Red Wine
  10. Green Tea

Activities-learning something new stimulates new brain cells to form, this can happen even later in life.


Herbs and Spices

Rosemary-enhances mental clarity, memory, speed and accuracy while performing mental tasks, improves circulation and blood flow.

Turmeric– the active ingredient curcumin with the consumption of black pepper, reduces inflammation at the molecular level, boosts the neurotrophic growth hormone (Brain-derived neurotrophic Factor: BDNF) necessary for brain function, improves memory and even makes you smarter.  It also helps clear out protein tangles called Amyloid plaques.  It also prevents depression as well.

Ginkgo-Prevents short term memory loss, headaches, tinnitus and long-term depression.  It promotes vasodilation and collects free radicals.  It improves neurotransmission and prevents degenerative senility.

Gotu Kola-Aids in mental concentration and memory.  It is also a great anti-inflammatory which can alleviate mild swelling in the brain which has been known to cause things like ADHD.



Vitamins and Minerals

Deficiencies in this area can cause improper functioning of the methylation cycle which is responsible for the monoamine production, DNA synthesis, maintenance of the phospholipids such as myelin.  Genetic transcription, antioxidant recycling, and regulating inflammation in the brain.

The methylation cycle is a biochemical pathway managing the following functions:


Immune function

Maintaining DNA

Energy Production

Mood Balancing

Controlling Inflammation


Omega 3-These are vital for the maintenance of normal brain function throughout our lives.  They preserve cell membranes and facilitate in cellular communication.  They also help increase our brain size and reduce depression and anxiety symptoms.






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