The first time I dreamed of this Angel was about 11 years ago. Since then this angel has appeared to me in several dreams.
One dream in particular stands out. I dreamed this about 3 months ago. In the dream I was at my house and I got a word from the Lord that Rob Baxter was sick and needed prayer. I then began to intercede for my friend. While I was interceding this angel appeared to me. He was very large with wings and his back reached the ceiling as he was leaning over speaking to me. He said to me he had been assigned to me and would be with me for now on. He said he was a healing angel from He who sits on the most hight throne. The King of kings and Creator of all. He said he was taking me to my friend in the spirit and he would work on healing my friend as I was interceding.
I prayed as I was led and then my friend began to cough out the infirmaties. Then Once he was completely healed we headed over to his mother’s house. We were there and the miracle was being shared and finally all who were present were able to see the miracle for what it was and then the great healing angel allowed all who were present to see it with human eyes. I saw it first, then my friend then his mother and then all the rest of the family and friends who were there saw. It was a wonderous moment and all who witnessed this had their faith greatly increased. The Spirit poured out over them and we all were filled up to overflowing and began operating in great and mighty power of Yahshua.
It is always interesting as an intercessor. It seems that Yah gets my attention in many ways in order to pray for whom ever I am led to pray for. Sometimes I even feel the emotions or the physical ailment of the person I am to intercede for. On Saturday I felt kinda off and I felt really light headed and I a few instances of inner ear problems. I felt nausea and really weak. Some of the time I also felt an immanent danger to my life and feelings of great distress. Sometimes i experience things and don’t pay attention and then they get more and more intense. Finally I figured out that I needed to pray and for whom I was to pray for. I did this and it was a strange intercessory encounter. I felt an incredible pressure in my gut and I had to pray it up like it was gonna come out of my mouth. I worked real hard praying and wondered if I was gonna sweat out blood as it was that intense and difficult on my flesh body. I was impressed to pray for several hours in this manner. Then I felt like a release and then I was instructed to send the angel of healing that hangs with me these days to be present with my friend. I knew he needed this reinforcement over and beyond the prayers that were being offered up. It was soon after this that it was impressed upon me that the dream and this intercessory encounter were linked and the dream was to prepare me for this very day.
What impresses me the most is how much we are loved by Yahshua that he makes sure that his kiddos always have the backup and encouragement that they need and that He chooses to send dreams and visions to prepare us and make us ready when the call to battle is cried out.
Here is the other part of the testimony:
©2018 Jennifer Wallace