
Such Love

I don’t quite understand this path of sorrow and joy.  It truly is as a paradox.  It is both bitter and sweet at the same time.  It truly is a battle between my will and fleshly desires to be happy and comfortable versus walking in the kingdom and love.  It isn’t that walking with Father is horrible, it truly is amazing, it is that when I walk with Father it apparently upsets the entire kingdom of darkness and then they try to do everything under the sun to make me walk away from Father.  Sometimes I think in such a way as to be like well if they are trying this hard they must really be afraid.  Why on earth would they waste such resources on little ole me.  It never really makes any sense ever!!  I mean really give me a break now and then.  Yeah right, I know they won’t listen lol!!  All of this exercise in the spirit and soul will only make me stronger and make me more of an adversary so I guess these dark entities are not really all that smart.  I figure that many of you all struggle with similar things and similar ideas.  I present this and put it out there for encouragement and to help unite us.  We have so much in common within this fight against darkness.  There truly is power in numbers, so the more unified we are the more collective power we have.  Just like a house divided will fall, well Father’s kingdom needs to stand tall together.  If we are all becoming like minded to Jesus/Yahshua, then we are all becoming like minded with each other as well.  The battle is raging and we may get weary alone, together though we rise up in victory!!  Please remember this as the enemy is constantly trying to divide us and single us out.  We must walk in love as Father has said so many times.  I am sharing with you a reflection of my past when uniting with Father’s people made a difference and resulted in a powerful exchange.  I think it is empowering to remember what Father has done in the past, to remind us of what He is capable of now and in the future.  God is love!


Jesus your true love abounds within me

Your miracles never cease!

My soul cries out to your splendor

I am forever craving more of you

I love you so much, I do not want anything to interfere with my communication with you.

I desire to learn what you say on being spiritually ready and strong

Please give me confidence In you oh Heavenly father.

Examine my heart and show me ways of deliverance

Is it my calling Lord, my excitement, my passion all God given

I can’t even describe your power

As we prayed for our brothers and sisters my flesh trembled

You truly are so special

You forgive me, you love me, You feed me living words which grow and develop within my very soul.

Praise you Jesus–Your victory report has already been crafted

Your love is intense

I thank you for your sacrifice!!!



©2018 Jennifer Wallace

1 thought on “Such Love

  1. I just reread this for the 3rd or 4th time and I know we are under attack sometimes, but it makes us stronger and more aware of our surroundings , thanks again for you inspiration readings, you are truly blessed

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