Insights Into Abba


So what is it about love?  It seems everybody wants it right??  What is love?  I have been thinking about love for years.  It seems to me that this world ain’t got much of it.  I think that some mistake love for lust.  I understand how his can happen, especially in the world that we… Read More Love

Book Reviews

The Quantum Hermetica

I came upon this amazing book at Amazon.  It is called the Quantum Hermetica. This book does an excellent job to help explain how the supernatural world functions.  I found this subject to be incredibly affirming.  You see some of the gifts that have been given to me by the Holy Spirit have been… Read More The Quantum Hermetica


Love’s Great Cost

The sweet gentle gaze Her first day of life Swaddled with tears of Joy Only warmth and love, no strife   The warm milk flows across her lips Kneading her mama’s breast She gazes into her eyes yet again She drifts off to dreamland and rest   Her first steps, her first fall What is… Read More Love’s Great Cost