In the previous two posts on The Quantum Hermetica
we learned how the world is actually a mental informational construct, a mental virtual reality if you will, being simulated from the collective inner space, which we further identified as Jung’s collective unconscious. Now using this framework, we are going to explore an interesting and culturally relevant occult topic that actually shows up in Chapter 9 of The Quantum Hermetica itself; Occultism in the music industry!
We’ve all seen occult symbols placed in music videos before, as well as perhaps YouTube documentaries or articles on the Vigilant Citizen website exposing this practice. What may not be known however is what they are doing or how it works. Of course, they want you to be ignorant of this though, so that they can still get away with what they are doing. However, this blog will blow that ignorance clean out of the water.
The first thing you need to know is that what is done in music videos are examples of sigil magick, the use of sigils or archetypal symbols to affect outcomes or influence the consciousness of the viewer. The first question that arises concerning this topic is how can mere symbolism do any of this? When we look at the previous post, we see how this ties readily into the notion of the collective unconscious.
As was previously explained, our consciousness is linked to a collective unconscious that lies behind physical reality. When we model consciousness with quantum cognition and place it into this mentalistic picture of reality, we see that it is in what quantum physicists refer to as Hilbert space or configuration space. Furthermore, its existence outside of space-time, makes it by classical definitions, “supernatural.” Meaning what is in our head, is not just “in our head,” but is in fact connected to this deeper supernatural layer of reality.
If this is true however, then it has implications for what we put into our minds. Let us examine what implications this would have for the occult symbolism in music videos. So suppose we see some occult symbolism in a music video and this symbolism enters our mind. Well what is our mind? According to quantum cognition it is a waveform, or more precisely it is the quantum state that we see spatially projected as a waveform, but is in actuality existing in Hilbert space aka the “supernatural realm.”
Well if this occult symbol enters our mind, it is also now encoded as a quantum state in the supernatural realm behind space-time. This is where the action begins with what at face value seems like a harmless symbol. In the occult world are symbols referred to as sigils which are said to invoke spiritual beings. King Solomon was said to have at his disposal a whole series of these, enabling him to put to work some 72 demons in the construction of the temple, in a system known as Goetia.
If this quantum Hermetics model is logically extended, these other spiritual beings and influences would exist as quantum cognitive states in the Hilbert space behind space-time as well. Furthermore, each waveform has a specific vibrational frequency associated with it, something we will look into further when we explore The Quantum Hermetica’s fifth chapter on the Principle of Vibration. This frequency is dependent on the energetic or informational content of the quantum state. So if you have two wave-forms with the same information content, say both possessing a mental state with All-Seeing Eye symbolism in it, they will have the same vibrational state as well.
What happens though when one wave is said to match the vibration of another wave? The waves are said to resonate with one another. This is of course what happens with classical waves. With quantum waves the story goes further still. If two quantum waves match the same vibrational frequency such that they encode the exact same quantum state and become a single fused quantum wave, they are said to be entangled. When that happens, things get rather funny.
Entangled particles act as a single particle even if they are spread out at vast distances. If we add in what quantum cognition tells us about the wave-function, things get even more disturbing. Two entangled mental states will also act as the same mental state, even if they are in different minds. If one of those minds is a creepy non-corporeal mind floating around in the spiritual realm behind spacetime though then that could be a real problem. You would now have a demonic mind directly influencing your own mind! Just terrific! In an extreme case of this it might even cause demonic possession.
Sigil magick can also be used to manipulate or guide events. However, that is not our focus here but will be the subject of a future blog on the Principle of Cause and Effect and the popular Pepe internet meme.
Of course you will not likely get demon possessed by watching a Lady Gaga or Jay-Z music video. However, it is to say that it could influence you, and that one should be careful about what one puts into one’s mind. Dwelling on positive things instead should be encouraged. As the Bible says in Philippians 4:8
“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things and the God of peace will be with you.”
We already knew that we should do this. The picture presented here fills in the blanks by showing us why we should as well.
Stay tuned, my next article will cover the most fundamental principal of Hermeticism, the Principal of Mentalism. Here we will learn how the universe is actually a grand simulation in the universal mind of God. We will learn how modern physics derives this conclusion in a very precise fashion.