Healthy Living, Herb Studies

Ground Ivy

I have known about this “weed” for years.  I had no idea until now, how truly valuable this herb is.  Most people see this herb as an invasive weed, desperately trying to rip it out of their lawns and flower gardens.  I am so thankful that I harvested so much of this weed last spring. … Read More Ground Ivy

Video Reviews

New Documentary Explains Black Magic with Physics, And The Signs Are Literally Everywhere

   This article and video is quite interesting. I post it here so you can begin to see the dangers that lay in wait all around us. I believe it is time that we begin to take heed and beware. We really do need to be donning the full armor of God daily. Ephesians 6:10-20 … Read More New Documentary Explains Black Magic with Physics, And The Signs Are Literally Everywhere

Healthy Living, Herb Studies

Common Mallow

This plant can be found nearly everywhere.  This edible weed has a mild flavor.  The leaves and stems can be eaten in a salad. Mallow can also be dried for tea or even thrown into soups as a thickening agent.  You can even fry mallow leaves in hot oil to make crispy mallow chips.  Medicinally… Read More Common Mallow