December 2, 2019
The weakest link…. Not the game show, but the reality of our everyday lives. How does this phrase affect our daily lives and how do we reconcile this? What on earth does this really mean? I am finding that as we progress through life that the assaults from darkness are not so easily determined. They are often obscure and secret. It seems that they can come through others whom are around us in everyday life. It seems that these people are prolly not even aware of this. They would most definitely be shocked or even deny that they were being used by darkness. We are all guilty of this. We all have our weak moments where we may have listened to the wrong spirit or reacted in emotion and not in Holy Spirit guided wisdom. It seems so many people exist with a beehive’s worth (an active flurry of buzzing evil spirits speaking all at the same time, confusing and overwhelming us.) of bees buzzing around their heads. With this in mind it then may become difficult to discern what is coming from the Holy Spirit and what is coming from our deepest darkest enemy. When this happens people, who think they are hearing from the Holy Spirit, act with conviction and are propelled to follow these deceptive words. It is a tricky situation, as both parties are allegedly hearing from the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately, the Holy spirit would not say two conflicting words. Wisdom is so vital. Having self-control is vital too. We all have probably been on each side of this mess at one time or another. Understanding this can help our attitude remain pure as we realize that we are all capable of mishearing or misunderstanding. The closer we draw to Yahshua, the more often we listen to the Holy Spirit the better attuned we will become. This ability to discern between truth and lies is pertinent to our survival, powerful interactions and victory over darkness. So, here is the warning, always listen to the Holy Spirit with each interaction, and remember that the enemy will come in to devour us through the weakest link. These weakest links could change daily depending upon where everyone is at that moment in their walk with Yahshua. The weak link could also be ourselves. We must be slow to respond and eager to listen to the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. We don’t want to lose meaningful interactions with the people closest to us over this stupid assault from darkness. If we can all become aware then this age-old tactic would lose its power and momentum. Let’s stop this in its tracks and become more victorious in Yahshua each new day.
©Jennifer Wallace 2020