Healthy Living, Herb Studies

Ground Ivy

I have known about this “weed” for years.  I had no idea until now, how truly valuable this herb is.  Most people see this herb as an invasive weed, desperately trying to rip it out of their lawns and flower gardens.  I am so thankful that I harvested so much of this weed last spring.  Ground ivy is in the mint family as it has that tell-tale square stem and other mint like qualities. 

Ground Ivy was imported from Europe many many years ago.  Apparently, it was valuable enough for the early settlers to be sure to bring this to the “New” world.  They really did know what they were doing, for which I am truly thankful. 

I am amazed at the qualities of ground ivy.  It has a very high content of vitamin c.  I was also amazed to learn that along with jewel weed and burdock, ground ivy can be used to reverse the affects of stinging nettles;  All we have to do is macerate the fresh leaves and rub it on the affected skin.  Relief is immediate. 

The other fact about ground ivy is that it is both a lymphatic agent as well as a diuretic.  It is recommended that you combine a diuretic with a lymphatic agent.  Here we have an all-inclusive herb that covers both aspects.  I think that is so cool!!

Here is a list of the chemical and nutrient content of ground ivy.

  • Bitter principle
  • Amino Acids
  • Choline
  • Essential oil
  • Flavone glycosides
  • Lactone
  • Lipids
  • Protein
  • Resin
  • Saponins
  • Tannins
  • Vitamin C
  • Wax
  • Volatile oils- linalool, limonene, menthone, terpineol, alpha-pinene, pulegone, rosmarinic acid

This plant yields these characteristics

  • Antibacterial
  • Anti-Catarrhal
  • Antiviral
  • Antiseptic
  • Astringent
  • Expectorant
  • Diuretic
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Prevents and treats lead and mercury poisoning
  • Treats digestive disorders
  • Treats Sciatica
  • Can help rid all sorts of eye troubles
  • Helps with earaches
  • Helps with colds, flu and coughs
  • Treats injuries and wounds

As you can see, Ground Ivy has many valuable attributes.  It can be used as a tea, tincture, poultice and as a food.  I love that Father gave us this valuable herb.  I hope this spring, you too will be able to harvest and partake in this valuable herb. 

©Jennifer Wallace 2020

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