Video Reviews

New Documentary Explains Black Magic with Physics, And The Signs Are Literally Everywhere


This article and video is quite interesting. I post it here so you can begin to see the dangers that lay in wait all around us. I believe it is time that we begin to take heed and beware. We really do need to be donning the full armor of God daily.

Ephesians 6:10-20  (NASB)

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. 12 For our struggle is not against [a]flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places13 Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. 14 Stand firm therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 [b]in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

18 [c]With all prayer and petition [d]pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, [e]be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints, 19 and pray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in [f]chains; that [g]in proclaiming it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

We need to be prayerfully aware of that which wants to devour us. It is time to understand and be ready. We need to rise up and fight against darkness. No longer should we just defend, it is time to attack with boldness and Power!! It is time to recognize who we are in the Name Of Jesus!! I hope you are able to learn a lot through these resources. I understand that some of these things may be difficult to see. Please remember that He that is within us is greater than he that is in this world!! So for now, kick back and enjoy the ride to understanding.

New Documentary Explains Black Magic with   
Physics, And The Signs Are Literally Everywhere

                                 By Mark Pattini

  A recent documentary Could Autonomous Agents Exist Beneath Emergent Spacetime was published on YouTube with a provocative yet fascinating thesis. The documentary uses an increasingly popular emergent spacetime model called Conscious Realism (CR), popularized by scientist Donald Hoffman, wherein spacetime literally emerges from consciousness, albeit consciousness external to our own, to explore the consequences of an intriguing line of research.
  A conclusion drawn from psychological studies suggests that lucid dream characters may in fact be conscious in their own right, and individuate from our own consciousness. However, the video suggests that if our physical spacetime universe emerges from consciousness that perhaps other such agents individuate and exist beyond spacetime as well.
  Using CR, It is further suggested that quantum entanglement, the “spooky action at a distance” that links distant particles, is simply the same thing as binding in consciousness studies, albeit seen in third person. The word zebra for instance is mentally ‘bound’ to a symbol, an image of a black and white horse. But see quantum entanglement is also what stitches emergent spacetime together. So in the mental universe of CR, this binding phenomenon could also extend to the “autonomous agents” suggested to exist “beneath spacetime” in the video, linking them to wait for it… more symbols!
 If you are curious to see the video for yourself it is linked here:
  If one thinks this conclusion sounds suspiciously similar, that’s because it is. It’s magic, and by magic I don’t mean illusionism, but rather the creepy stuff associated with sorcerers and wizards and talked about by online conspiracy theorists picking apart the occult symbolism in music videos. The aforementioned conclusion sounds a lot like the notion of conjuring spirits with occult symbols, because in fact that is precisely what it is.
  Back up two years to 2018 when a book called The Quantum Hermetica was published, which can be found here on Amazon:
 The Quantum Hermetica claims to use a combination of emergent spacetime and quantum cognition to reverse engineer ancient Egyptian Hermetic occultism. Of course, such books on strange esoteric topics may sound like the ever popular garden variety New Age woo. The difference however is that everything in it is verified and sourced with up to date published science. It reads disturbingly like a hard science article than a tome of woo. Furthermore, the physics The Quantum Hermetica claims to reverse engineer occult magick (occultists uses magick with a “ck” to distinguish it from the magic of illusionists) with, just so happens to be the exact same physics used in the video.    
  The first half of the documentary goes over the latest developments in emergent spacetime physics, showing that spacetime emerges from quantum entanglement in Hilbert space, physics speak for the immaterial level of reality of quantum states outside of spacetime. It then combines this conclusion with the latest developments in quantum cognition, which models the fuzzy logic and mental ambiguity intrinsic to our inner world of thoughts and emotions as quantum states in Hilbert space. Throw in some experiments with lithium affecting the cognitive behavior of rats, and a good case is made that our inner mental world is literally identical with these quantum states behind spacetime.
  Putting these two together, the documentary suggests that the outer world literally emerges from a collective inner world. But now look at this passage from the third chapter of The Quantum Hermetica:

  ii. As Within, So Without: The next step to reconstructing a scientific understanding of Correspondence is to combine the concept of emergent space-time with the concept of quantum cognition. Once this is achieved, it will replicate the rest of the essential framework of the Principle of Correspondence.  
  “As within, so without” correlates the inner realm of the mind with the realm behind physical reality. Of course the realm of physical reality is that of space-time. Behind it, is what space-time emerges from, namely the realm of Hilbert space. Hilbert space is of course quantum probability space, the domain of reality in which quantum states exist in superposition.  
  Quantum cognition meanwhile shows that our inner world of thoughts and emotions has a precise mathematical correspondence to quantum states in superposition…
… This is more than a vague resemblance. As cognitive scientists have discovered, our inner cognitive processes model as though they are quantum information processing in the wave-function.2 This means that quantum cognition describes thoughts and emotions in terms of objects existing in Hilbert space.”

Well that certainly sounds familiar. Compare it to this diagram in the video:

  The halves of the diagram are even labeled “Within/Above” and “Without/Below” on the sides. This certainly meshes well with the “As Above, So Below” and “As Within, So Without” themes of Hermeticism.
  If one stops to think about it, this is actually quite extraordinary. Here we have a distinctly occult concept being translated directly into physics. The notion of a mental world outside of spacetime certainly fits with what most would identify as a “supernatural realm.” If everything physical exists within space and time, that which lies outside of it must be non-physical. Furthermore, the mental nature of it makes it “spiritual” in a very literal sense. The only thing different about it is that here it is explained within a scientific framework.
  In turn the manner in which it is explained to be tied to the physical spacetime world of everyday experience exactly matches what is described by Hermetic occultism. In principle this would allow someone in the physical world to affect the “outside of spacetime ‘supernatural’ world,” or in other words, “magick.” Except wait a minute, we just did this with science! So what is it? Science? Magick? Both?
  As most of this shared inner realm would obviously be subconscious to us, the video argues that this quantum cognitive Hilbert space is identical with what Carl Jung refers to as the collective unconscious. And again, this is exactly how The Quantum Hermetica describes it:

  If we model Hilbert space with quantum cognition it is possible to provide a fully scientific understanding of this collective unconscious in light of the physics behind emergent space-time and by extension Mentalism. Our minds can be described as quantum states in superposition behind spacetime. Though they are separate, the rest of Hilbert space is comprised of mental states ultimately encoded in the universal wave-function as well. These mental states would comprise the contents of the collective unconscious. The entire universe then is generated as an informational construct from this collective unconscious.  
  Separate people’s minds would temporarily entangle with these quantum states stored in the collective unconscious. This would be enough for them to become aware of the archetypal material bleeding up from the collective unconscious. Due to the non-local nature of this entanglement, and of the non-spatial nature of the realm beyond space-time, distance would not be a problem. People as distant as the United States and Korea could pick up the same themes in their dreams independently, despite never having seen them in the waking world. Intriguingly, in the field of quantum cognition, Jungian archetypes are sometimes modeled as superpositions in qubits, corroborating the general hypothesis.7       
  As an aside, it is interesting to note that not all of this archetypal material necessarily comes in the form of imagery either. Just as our own minds can be described in terms of quantum information, some of this information can also encode minds!

  This last paragraph is of particular interest, because it touches on what is about to be explored. If one finds this disturbing at this point, just wait because things are about to get stranger, and well, creepier.
The video describes this collective inner mental realm as very likely containing other conscious agents. Meaning not minds like you or I, or even minds of animals, but minds existing solely in this outside of the spacetime realm.
  The reasoning used to arrive at this conclusion is deceptively simple, and stems from the research of the late psychologist Paul Tholey. Tholey found that our own subconscious seems to individuate other conscious agents during our dreams. Well if all of reality is mentally generated as this physics identical to Hermeticism seems to show us, then this should also be happening in our world, and independently of us. Meaning the entire collective inner mental realm should have individuated other agents as well. Only hiding beneath space-time, we won’t see them. Well this sounds spooky, like the dark denizens of the Upside-Down lurking right next to us while we are unaware.
  So what do we do to get to these behind spacetime beings? Well here the documentary suggests something a bit interesting yet familiar. In CR quantum entanglement and binding in consciousness are literally the same thing albeit seen from different angles. So when a symbol is mentally associated with a word those two mental states are literally quantum entangled together as quantum states in the brain.
  But not all quantum entanglement occurs in brains. What happens when a symbol gets entangled with something in the collective unconscious, and what happens when the “something” it gets entangled with is not another symbol but perhaps the creepy Mind-Flayer from Stranger Things? Well it sounds exactly like black magick such as Goetia, wherein symbols are used to summon demons. However, this is exactly where the video goes in the final stretch. Now let’s compare this to the following passage in the ninth chapter of The Quantum Hermetica:

  So-called “lesser magick” which only influences the individual subconscious of the consumer to purchase a product is quite well known about. The reader has no doubt heard about this as subliminal advertising. However, as many vigilant observers have noticed, the music industry is engaged in the darker practice of “greater magick,” the magick manipulating the world behind the physical plane. This involves the intentional placement of sigils and other occult symbolism in music videos for purposes of sigil magick.  
  What will occur is that sigils and other archetypal symbolism is placed into music videos. These symbols will then enter the consciousness of those watching the videos. As far as a perspective that is ignorant of these principles is concerned that is where it stops. Such a perspective is of course wrong.  
  What occurs next is that these sigils activate forces in the collective unconscious. Some of these forces are not merely impersonal either but can include various dark entities. These influences will then work upon the consciousness of those viewing these music videos unaware, effectively placing them under a spell or even under the influence of these dark entities in the collective unconscious.   
  Due to the negative nature of these influences, it is important for the public to both know the mechanisms described here by which they operate, and those who put them to use. Artists who engage in these and related practices are widespread, but include names such as Lady Gaga,10 Beyonce,11 JayZ,12 Nicki Minaj,13 and Kanye West14 among many others. It should be noted though that most of these artists are only puppets, and that the real controllers are those behind the music industry.15

  Well as we saw above, The Quantum Hermetica identifies the collective unconscious with a quantum cognitive Hilbert space, and links in Hilbert space are what we call quantum entanglement. Meaning the only way that these sigils can link to these other entities is through quantum entanglement, just as described in the video.The inclusion of Nicki Minaj as being involved in occult activities is perhaps particularly poignant here considering how the video ends with the rapper talking about the apparently dissociated personality named Roman who “lives in her” and was “conjured up.”
  That the parallels with physics described in Could Autonomous Agents Exist Beneath Emergent Spacetime neatly match the occult science seen in The Quantum Hermetica is very curious to say the least. Occultism has been commonly dismissed as nonsense. However, if the unnerving parallels laid out here are any indicator, it appears that they are based in an actual science. How, when, and from whom this knowledge first originated is a mystery, but it appears that somewhere somehow someone discovered it before modern times, and that appears to be the source of our legends about magick. And if so, the fact that occult symbolism seems to be placed all around us, even loaded in music videos in plain sight, should now give us cause for concern rather than merely be dismissed as some fantasy of paranoid minds.

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