
The Great War Within

The great war within Reality vs illusion; Walk by faith not by sight  What we perceive through our eyes(flesh) is a process through the soul eyes.  In order to perceive truth and reality we must perceive and process data through our spirit.  We must learn to discern the difference between the soul perception and the… Read More The Great War Within

Insights Into Abba


So what is it about love?  It seems everybody wants it right??  What is love?  I have been thinking about love for years.  It seems to me that this world ain’t got much of it.  I think that some mistake love for lust.  I understand how his can happen, especially in the world that we… Read More Love


Wisdom Please!!

I saw this today while I was praying for wisdom. Kinda wild huh? So I’ve had time to process this event and I wanted share more with you. So here it is. That day was a difficult one, i was seeking the Lord for insight and I was under great assault from darkness that day.… Read More Wisdom Please!!


Such Love

I don’t quite understand this path of sorrow and joy.  It truly is as a paradox.  It is both bitter and sweet at the same time.  It truly is a battle between my will and fleshly desires to be happy and comfortable versus walking in the kingdom and love.  It isn’t that walking with Father… Read More Such Love


Angel of Healing

August 24, 2015 ·  The first time I dreamed of this Angel was about 11 years ago.  Since then this angel has appeared to me in several dreams.   One dream in particular stands out. I dreamed this about 3 months ago.   In the dream I was at my house and I got a word… Read More Angel of Healing

Insights Into Abba


Waiting, what an absolutely detestable word!!! Well at least in my opinion. Have you ever had anyone say to you soon this or soon that?? Immediately I think,”Well, Jesus said he would be coming back soon!!!” Then I think, “Well, it’s been two thousand years already and soon has not happened yet!” Sometimes I can… Read More Waiting